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Get 200.000 starting units with all paid plans. Add more as your needs grow.
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The maximum amount of Honeypots you can order.
Scale on the go
Scale on the go
Data Retention
The term data like detections will be stored and accessible.
1 year
2 years
Device Templates
One-click configuration of your Honeypot with templates of known devices like Domain Controllers, NAS, Printers, and more.
Blackhole Sensor
Blackhole Sensor detects connections to TCP/UDP ports.
Ping Sensor
Ping Sensor detects Ping (ICMP) network packets.
Port Scan Sensor
Port Scan Sensor detects Port Scans (SYN & SYN+ACK).
SSH Sensor
SSH Sensor mimics a real SSH server behavior on Layer 7.
FTP Sensor
FTP Sensor mimics is a real FTP server on Layer 7.
MSSQL Sensor
MSSQL Sensor mimics a MSSQL database on Layer 7.
MySQL Sensor
MySQL Sensor mimics a MySQL database on Layer 7.
SMB Sensor
SMB Sensor mimics a SMB server on Layer 7.
UPnP Sensor
UPnP Sensor mimics UPnP behavior on Layer 7.
HTTP Sensor
HTTP Sensor is a real HTTP server on Layer 7.
Advanced Sensor Configuration
Customize the appearence and behavior of your sensors apart from Device Templates.
Multiple VLAN Support
Deploy your Honeypot in multiple VLAN's, exposing your Honeypot to a broader network.
Send events about your Honeypot near realtime to other custom HTTPS endpoints.
The maximum amount of Assets you can order. An asset is a device in your network, or a target like a website.
Up to 5 assets
Scale on the go
Scale on the go
Data Retention
The term data like vulnerabilities will be stored and accessible.
30 days
1 year
2 years
Device Agent Sync Interval
The interval between updates of applications and vulnerabilities for devices with the Device Agent installed.
Scan Appliances Included
The maximum amount of Scan Appliances you can create. They are Virtual Appliances you can deploy in your network to execute scans.
Internal Network Scan
Scan devices in an internal network like an office using a Virtual Scan Appliance.
External On-demand Scan
Execute scans against public accessible targets from our On-Demand Cloud platform without installing any hardware or software yourself.
Device Agent Scan
Scan devices like laptops and servers without having to install a physical or virtual appliance. Ideal for devices which leave your network (remote workers) or when you don't have a hypervisor.
Authenticated Scan
Let the Scan Appliance authenticate against targets and scan for vulnerabilities which are locally present, but not visible on the network.
View the prediction of the chances a vulnerability will be exploited soon.
Export your data from our dashboard to a CSV or XLSX file.
Multiple VLAN Support
Deploy your Scan Appliances in multiple VLAN's, to scan a broader network.
Tag Management
Assign Tags to Assets to easily manage your assets, and schedule scans, in a broader network context.
Send events about your Assets and Vulnerabilities near realtime to other custom HTTPS endpoints.
Domains Included
The maximum amount of Domains to monitor you can order.
Data Retention
The term data like reports will be stored and accessible.
30 days
1 year
2 years
Export your data from our dashboard to a CSV or XLSX file.
Send events about your Domains and Reports near realtime to other custom HTTPS endpoints.